
L: I'm tired and have nothing to write at the moment. Josh might remind me of a few things when it's his turn which is right....now.

J: I'm tired, too -- but I know the faithful readers of our blog deserve an update as often as we can write one. The last couple of weeks have still been super busy for us with work, school, home buying, and wedding preparation.  But we're glad that we haven't had extra rehearsals and stuff.  But I WAS able to watch a great Jazz game last night, where D-Will, Memo, and the rest spanked the Hornets - on the road! I LOVE THE JAZZ. And the playoffs are coming! Woot!

L: Josh makes me do stuff like blogging, even when I don't want to! Dumb. Anyway... his family threw a bridal shower for me last night. I was really nervous about going because I don't love being the center of attention. I went with a happy attitude though and it was a lot of fun. I got to know them a little better and they all spoiled me. I got lots of fun gifts for our new home and for our honeymoon in Hawaii ;)

J: I just remembered that I had a birthday since we last wrote! I am now officially 32, which comes as a shock to me everytime I think about it.  I'm glad I have Libby to make me feel young. Actually, I feel and act a lot younger than I really am.  Anyway Libby spoiled me on my birthday, with notes, lunch, gifts (including stuff for my computer that I really wanted), and an AMAZING cake - made from scratch. It was so freaking good! It was made out of four layers of chocolate cake, chocolate oreo icing and toppings, and love. (Awww).

Not much else to say this week.  We hope you are all doing well and happy and stuff, and enjoyed General Conference.

May your taxes be done, and the returns be plentiful.


Anonymous said...

You guys need to post again...it's been forever!! ;)

Beth said...

That is one good looking cake! Now I need a serious chocolate fix. ;o)
