I really liked the tag Arica got from her friend so I decided to do it even though I haven't been tagged yet. Bragging about Josh is always fun!

1. Full Name: Joshua David Tenney
2. How long you have been married? 5 1/2 wonderful months :)
3. How long did we date? I fell head over heels for Josh when I met him in the end of June 07 and vowed I would date him. Let's just say two weeks later we were on our first date. We dated for 11 months before we got married. But, if you ask me we are still dating!
4. Who eats the sweets? Josh and I both do. He really loves treats though especially if it contains chocolate. Our favorite thing lately is to go to dinner and take our favorite dessert home to share. Yum!
5. Who said I love you first? I did for sure. I was actually upset with Josh and was planning on breaking up with him during conference weekend last October. We got up to the temple to have a chat and I just couldn't do it. I was talking really fast and telling him why I was upset and I ended up just screaming "I love you dang it!" Ha ha
6. Who's taller? Josh
7. Who sings better? Josh sings better hands down. I absolutely love his voice, it always makes me melt when he sings. I get butterflies and my insides get all fluttery. His voice is one thing that made me fall in love with him.
8. Who is smarter? Josh is smarter than I am. That is only expected though when my husband is 13 years older than me with lots more life experience and education.
9. Who does the laundry? I usually do the laundry most of the time. I really like to do laundry actually (I'm sure that will change with kids). Josh does help do the laundry when I need him too though.
10. Who pays the bills? Josh takes care of the bills. I pay bills that concern me, but don't handle the finances too often.
11. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
12. Who mows the lawn? Lucky for us we have an HOA that does the mowing for us. I just wish they took care of the flower bed too!
13. Who cooks dinner? We both cook together. Since we got married it is one of our favorite things to do. We love getting a new recipe and trying it out. We are pretty dang good cooks. If you don't believe me you should come over for dinner sometime.
14. Who drives? Josh does. Which doesn't make any sense since I am the safer driver, but I just don't like to drive. I always thought it was weird if the wife drove when I was a kid, and I just can't get over it lol.
15. Who admits they are wrong? I end up doing it a lot of the time. Josh can be wrong sometimes and he admits it. I just feel like I end up having to admit I'm wrong more often than he does.
16. Who kissed who first? Josh kissed me. He had dropped me off for the night and just gave me a hug. As I was opening my front door he said "Hey!" I turned around and he just planted one right on me. I was in shock for hours!
17. Who asked out who first? I asked Josh out and then made him pay. It's seriously the way to go. We got lunchables and hiked battle creek falls. We had so much fun and I got to drive his car ;) I love you sweetheart!
18. Who wears the pants? I do for sure! I have my baby wrapped around my finger. I know it, he knows it, and we are ok with that. I don't abuse that power too often, only when I really want something.
I love you Josh! Ok, I think this is fun so I am going to tag a few girls myself. Jamie Tenney, Alisha, Kelsey, Josie and Michelle